Promoting diversity and inclusion within the legal profession

It is vital that the legal profession and the Bar in particular is diverse and inclusive to those of all backgrounds. Chambers fully supports this aim and a large number of our members have contributed to relevant initiatives such as:

  • The Step into Law and More programme which was set up by the Chancery Bar Association and headed up by Amanda Hardy KC. This programme offered mentoring to school students from non-traditional backgrounds with the aim of helping them realise their aspiration of entering into a professional career such as law.
  • Work done by the Chancery Bar Association and the Bar Council on equality and diversity.
  • Outreach literature and events. Ruth Hughes is a member of the Court of Protection Bar Association and the Chancery Bar Association’s Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee and has helped to organise recent events to encourage underrepresented persons to consider a career at the Bar. These recent events had a particular focus on women at the Chancery Bar and sharing the experiences of barristers from minority ethnic groups who undertake work in the Court of Protection. Members of chambers often volunteer to speak at these events.

We seek to promote diversity and inclusion in our own recruitment by ensuring those who interview applicants have undergone appropriate training and by innovating in our own application process to ensure that applicants from all backgrounds have equal opportunities.

Chambers Equality and Diversity Policy

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Chambers Diversity Data 2019

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