5 Stone Buildings is proud to support ‘Support Through Court’ as a Guardian.

Support Through Court is a charity that provides free practical and emotional support to people facing court without a lawyer. The charity’s mission is to ensure that everyone has access to justice, regardless of their financial situation. They offer one-to-one support from trained volunteers, who provide help and guidance to individuals who are representing themselves in court.

The charity was founded in 2001. They provide services across England and Wales, and their services are available to anyone who needs them. Support Through Court aims to reduce the stress and anxiety that can come with representing yourself in court, as well as helping individuals to understand the court process and prepare their case.

The support provided by the charity includes practical assistance, such as helping to complete court forms and providing guidance on court procedures. They also offer emotional support, which can be particularly valuable for individuals who may be feeling isolated or overwhelmed by their situation. Support Through Court’s volunteers are trained to be non-judgmental and empathetic.

The members of 5 Stone Buildings are proud to support their valuable work.

Read more about Support Through Court on their website: https://www.supportthroughcourt.org/